Foundations Course Takeaway

Starting out with anatomy and evidence based practice, I was craving to learn about OT, the whole reason I am here. This course was a great intro to the field and got me excited about the future! I like how we learned about the OTPF-3 as we were learning about ways to use ourselves and our unique characteristics and creativity to work with clients. Instead of just going exactly by some instruction sheet of how to treat a client, we went through the OTPF and then blogged about our personal experiences and views that make us unique as professionals. 
Before this course, when someone would ask me what occupational therapy was, I would just throw out a jumble of words that didn't even make sense, I'm sure they walked away more confused than they were in the first place! Just last week I was with my parents at a store and the worker asked what I was in school for, and had no idea what OT was. I was able to give my elevator speech, that I learned in this class and give a clear explanation. We walked away and my parents said they were impressed at how well I was able to explain it, and asked me to write that explanation down for them so they will know what to tell people when they get asked. Since taking this class, I feel confident that I can advocate for the profession and really show people what the profession is about. 


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