Neuro Note 3: Me Before You [*Spoiler Alert*]

After hearing about this movie for some classmates, I decided to do some research on Me Before You. This movie is about a young adult, Will Traynor, who was in an accident resulting in a Spinal Cord Injury (level not disclosed, but presumably a cervical level and complete). Before his accident, he was a world traveler and very athletic. The movie begins after his injury when a girl, Lou, is hired to be his caregiver. Because of his injury, Will has become depressed and angry, refusing to leave his house or partake in any activity that he 'used to' be able to do.

Picture retrieved from
Before deciding to find this movie and watch it for this assignment, I did some research, because I remember there being a controversy about it. I found out that although his caregiver does all she can to make Will want to live, he choses to end his life through assisted suicide. I learned that the controversy was about the fact that Hollywood made it seem like there is no point in living with a disability, and that assisted suicide is the only option.

I think reading this before watching the movie gave me a unique perspective, I knew what was going to happen and really tried to put myself in both Will's shoes, and those that loved him that were opposed to assisted suicide. Another thing that stuck out to me during the movie was that although Lou was not an OT, I think she would have made a great one. Because of Will's wealth, Lou was able to take him on trips, showing him that even though it may not be the same as before, he can still travel the world and have meaningful experiences. I think that his family had the resources to provide OT, and if they had, he may have developed a new identity and not decided to end his life.
I would recommend this movie to OTs, to show how to make a person feel like their life has meaning again. To learn about their client and to use things important to them to give them a purpose. I think that although I obviously don't think that having a disability makes life not worth living, this movie gives a perspective of a client that others may otherwise not see, the depression and anger that comes with a complete change in (or perceived loss of) identity. The movie also has a sweet story line and if you are in the mood for a tear jerker, this is would be the perfect movie to watch!

Moyes, JoJo. (Producer) & Sharrock, Thea. (Director). (23 May 2016). Me Before You. [Motion Picture]. USA: New Line Cinema- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.


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