Leadership Summit

Today I met with Rachel Scarbrough, Caitlyn White, and Camille Vaughn for a leadership summit. Rachel is leading her group on budgeting, Camille is doing hers on meal prep, and Caitlyn is doing hers on caring for pets. We discussed our agenda and the ideas behind the theories that we chose. For example, Caitlyn said that her group activity will be learning to make sweet potato dog treats. We each got to talk about our activities and go through our protocol. This was helpful to me because talking through the session and making sense of my activities helped me prepare to lead it and fill in any gaps that I didn't notice I had. I also needed some advice on how to approach one of my activities so I was able to ask the group and get their input. Overall this was helpful in my planning and made me feel more confident in my ability to lead the group.


  1. Thanks Emily,

    You have expressed a very important truth...discussing things, and sharing ideas with your OT peers has a value beyond measure, and this will continue to be true throughout your career! Thank you for your blog post.
    Professor Sasse


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