Fletcher Cleaves

Last week our class had the opportunity to hear Fletcher Cleaves' story. Fletcher was an amazing football player that got a scholarship to play in college, but his football career was tragically cut short when a distracted driver caused him to crash and sustain a SCI. I have seen movies and constantly heard that a positive attitude makes a huge difference in recovery, but until last week, hadn't really met anyone that perfectly embodied that example. From the beginning of his SCI journey, Fletcher was positive that he would be able to do things that the doctor said he would 'never' be able to do. During the talk Fletcher said something that really stuck with me and that I will relay every chance I get, "How can we say 'the sky is the limit' when there are footprints on the moon?".
This all happened because a woman was distracted driving, likely texting. At the end of the video of Fletcher's story that we watched it read "No [post/glance/search/etc.] is worth a life". This resonated with me, because I have been guilty of thinking that I can just look down and change my music, or look at why my phone is dinging. Meeting someone whose life was forever impacted by someone "just looking down to.. ____" showed me the kind of impact that I never want to cause.


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