Learning: From Student to Practitioner

In class we discussed professional development. As a part of developing as a professional, continuing education is very important. I thought it was interesting that the significant change was noted in transitioning from learning as a student to learning as an OT practitioner. As a student, the path of what I am learning has been laid out in front of me. I am told what I will need to know for the goal that I am working toward-passing the NBCOT exam and becoming the best OT I can be. As a practitioner my education will not be as clearly laid out in front of me and I will have to put forth effort to seek out continuing education. Additionally, right now I am learning about the basics of the field, while as a practitioner I will be expected to know this information and my continuing education will consist of more specialty-specific information. I think this, again, brings me back to the gray area in OT. There is so much opportunity to learn about the profession, even after school, and I have the option to gain knowledge in such diverse areas of practice. While I am enjoying learning as much as I can about the profession right now, I understand that after graduation I will have a lot more to learn. I look forward to having a career that is continually changing and opening up opportunities for me learn.


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